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So when you say "Naughty, but not lewd." Does that mean no "passion making" and purely just flirting?

Will there be more phases for the characters?

The phases of growth are the same for all characters - but over time I plan on commissioning art for them. It's a lot.

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Any chance you'd consider a fast text option?

Looking at implementing a "hold Key to go fast", eventually.

Is this game worth it? I see it but I really don't know how it is, the girls grow huge muscles or mediocre?

The maximum is about 50ish inches in biceps, and basically a balanced look all over from that.

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Yes, but my doubt is that if there are images with the stages of the characters? (I'm on an Alternate account XD)

Some, but not all; they get added as I can afford them.

I'm back with some feedback although I didn't complete the game in its entirety. I did find some things, that I want to share.
So here is what I find both what I believe to be bugs and some that I'm unsure about if they are or not:
1. After encountering an enemy you get 2 options of the same "meanwhile"
2. When using "Try to Parley", you encounter the enemy from the beginning when they are not up for talking, meaning you can repeat this process until they are up for talking, with no consequence whatsoever.
3. When failing to talk to an enemy you get the option of either fighting or guaranteed leaving.
4. Potion of Clarity now gets added to your inventory but you cannot see them in the inventory screen, meaning you can only sell them and not use them.
5. The Taunt status effect stays forever in your status when leaving combat with it. (But you don't have the negative effect applied to you during this time.)
6. There is a typo in the selling Menu for "Scroll of Shop - 80 Essence Vials" (It only sells for 8)

And one last thing which is only quality of life but would be highly appreciated: Making it so you can use multiple of the same item at once. Currently selling items to gain Essence Vials and using those for Essence is the most reliable way of obtaining a lot of Essence but using one at a time is too tedious. (Unless of course, you want to discourage players from using them this way.)

Thanks - I always suspected something was going on with Parley. That will narrow it down.
1,2, and 3 I will take some time this week to check out and try to fix.
4 is something I thought I fixed specifically, but will take another look.
5 is strange, although I suspect its counter may be faulty somehow.

6 is a small oopsie, and I'll check it out.

I wanted to implement using more than one essence for a while, but I had some trouble with the nuts and bolts of making it work. I will add that to potential QOL features/changes.

I'm saddened greatly by this game.
It has all the ideas and concepts to be good but simply falls flat on its implementation.
It tries to be atmospheric with its descriptions and slow text animations. But turns into a tedious repetition with these ever the same unskippable text animations and texts.
It takes you out of the game by realizing that you still cannot get the potion of clarity previously mentioned as a bug and still not fixed.
What could be a big source of motivation with its promise of growth turns into simple number crunching as I've only ever seen the same description for growth every time I invested essence into an aspect of myself.
The combat while existing and doing fine, is simply not worth it as I seemingly get nothing after the first defeat of an enemy.
Sure that means the game wants you to instead talk to them and gain their favor but this just stands in contrast to the story of "only one may become my champion" and the overall vibe of dread and danger this game seemingly wants you to feel.
It's so frustrating to write all this as it all could be great and atmospheric but simply blows up in a car crash.
The shop is not even working correctly. The only way I found to get Vials of Essence was to sell items I have, only to realize that the sell option not only doesn't care if I even have the item but also instead of taking that item out of my inventory, it gives it to me as well as the essence vials the merchant would have given me for selling this item.
Not even mentioning how the game also doesn't work for "sexy" growth. It tells me I cannot handle more growth in my gender-specific 'sexy part', as I will call it. But it then not only allows me to continue using more essence on it but also will reflect this infusion of essence by still applying this growth to my character.

This just feels like a proof of concept for a game, too little to enjoy but also stretched out over so much repetition that I didn't even finish the game and instead stopped playing in the fourth of seven? levels.

Well, that feels bad to read, but I just fixed a few of the things you mentioned and will push an update soon.

I apologize for the way I wrote my comment.
It was fueled by my own emotions with a disregard for how you would feel about it.
In the future, I will simply write any further feedback in the form of a bug report instead.
Once I have some free time again I will look at your new version.

When stumbling upon a potion of clarity (L1) you don't collect it. Trying to add it via adding all items also doesn't work

Got ya covered. Will make sure all of those instances are solid.

is the game going be on steam?


For the time being: This will not be on Steam.

I would like to have wider distribution in the future for my next few games, but I'm really not there, yet. Right now I'm focused on development and putting my life back together. Obviously there will be a time to revisit the idea.

Download isn't working, it just leads me to another page to download it again

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buyer beware, this game is very barebones and really not at a point where the dev should be asking for money. you click explore, and either lose hp to a trap or get a random item. most of the items pretty much do nothing. (Most of the items in the shop just give you less essence than they cost???). Transformations don't seem to be reflected in your character description. There's only one piece of art for your rival (if you choose a futa/trans rival there's no art, for some reason...) Combat never actually happens. I know it's in early access and maybe it'll improve later, but given that it's a proof of concept for another game that hasn't materialized yet I really can't recommend anyone buy this

I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm very thankful to everyone who has given so far, and I don't intend to let them down. I've gotten a lot of feedback, and filling in parts people find wanting.

I'm slowly commissioning artwork for the game as people pay for it, and this is not a process which is either fast or efficient. I also want to see some growth visualized in the game. (Consider: There's about 50ish pieces of art I will need for the game, which will be roughly 3000 dollars given the current rate I'm paying the artists I'm working with.)

I'll take a look at the issues you mentioned, but I could use some clarity and specifics on some of them.

Can you elaborate on transformations not being reflected in description? I was considering adding longer pieces of text that directly map to your stat, but each stat already does have short descriptors that change as you hit new milestones.

Also, combat is fairly common from exploring, although I think you might be seeing enemies run from you a bit too much, which I'm aware of and want to improve. Battles are intended to be pitched, so requests for better evasion were met with equal measure for your rivals, as well.

You just do what you can to find a new home as well as making progress with this game and others over time, take your time sorting out what is the most needed right now to keep on living and being happy.

Thank you - it's very hard to get the help I need, but I've managed to get a little help with some things, and while the big problem remains as of now, there's some hope.

No problem, it can be hard for receiving help in the world, you can freely ask on the internet and outside of it for feedback and stuffs if you can think you can trust whoever's help you need from them, i will try to help as best as i can but you can also start looking around on the internet for other users to try and get help with the problems you have as well any time you wan to, you go and focus on the home thing for now, asking for help from people that you can trust with this problem you have.