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Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<elseif>> clause (#6): Unexpected identifier 'State'

Error: child tag <<endnobr>> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <<nobr>>

this is in rewards

Fixed for next update.

hey dude, can you release dungeons of power after you complete isles of power? You know as a hype in trailer

Depending on the crowdfunding I will need to complete IoP, I could bundle it. Not a bad idea.

I'm not sure I understand how the progression is meant to work. At first I wanted to get a lot of stock to sell, so I explored a bit. But at some point explorations only end in Debug exits. I assume that might be because the inventory is limited?

It's pretty uncommon for customers to ask for something I actually have in stock, but when they do and I haggle correctly (which I assume means staying at or below standard price), I still don't gain any currency. They keep telling me they accept my offer and pay 0 for it anyways, lol.

From what I understood, it seems like only pressing Spacebar skips the scrolling text, which makes it more tedious to play with mouse only. It would be nice if there was a setting that auto-skips the scrolling text, or allowing held mouseclicks to also speed it up if possible.

Anyways, I wish you success with any future efforts!

I'll take a look for adding a fast-text key and see what's going on with haggling. Next update is slow, but it'll be good.

When I open the store and was visited by eltza I somehow get a blank page after clicking the visit

(1 edit)

Found it and fixed for next update. Her name is E T Z L A, and I misspelled her name. Oops!

Flagging for a Trojan virus, just letting you know.

(2 edits) (+1)

Checking now - something probably failed with the zip file...
EDIT1: On first look, this might be related to Windows 10 Defender, as Windows 11 Defender doesn't have a problem at all with either archive.

EDIT2: I definitely am not finding that on Windows 11, so I think the Win10 security update issue since June 2023 may be at fault, but I don't have more reports/information to confirm or sort it out.


Pretty good game, can't wait to see how it evolves!