Summer Development Update

Time for an IoP update, since Dungeon of Power got one:

I'm moved into my new place, so I can finally start piecing my life back together. Development is slowly restarting on all games, including this one. In the last month or so, I've managed to draw and write quite a lot of content and work on a lot of mechanics and settle a lot of mathematics in the game. 

I need money, though. I've opened up commissions for game content - you can find information on my DeviantArt.

I'm still settling in, but I already feel more capable and motivated. I'm hoping to make July and August very enjoyable and productive.

Music for this and The Crown of Narsine will be the priority after Dungeon of Power's music - just so I can focus on re-learning how to do all of it and make sure the quality is the best it can be for the new games.

I would like July Patreon content to be a look at early content, although I think I may wish to commission artwork for the Chosen before showing them off. If you are interested in commission trade to help me get this done - it is available as an option.

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